
Void Raiders

Introducing Void Raiders: The Ultimate VR Space Adventure

Step into the universe of Void Raiders, our latest virtual reality experience that will take you on a thrilling journey across the cosmos.

In Void Raiders, you are part of an elite squad of space adventurers stranded far from Earth. Your mission? To fight your way through hostile alien forces, explore mysterious space stations, and unlock the secrets of advanced teleportation technology — all in a desperate bid to find a way back home.

Each space station you encounter is a new world, filled with deadly enemies, hidden dangers, and powerful upgrades. Use your wits, your weapons, and your VR instincts to navigate these treacherous environments. With each successful raid, you get one step closer to Earth — but beware, the aliens are relentless, and the stakes have never been higher.

Void Raiders combines the intensity of fast-paced combat with the immersive wonder of virtual reality, delivering an experience that’s both visually stunning and deeply engaging. Prepare to be transported to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, where every choice you make could be the difference between survival and oblivion.

Are you ready to take on the void? Earth is waiting.

coming soon for Oculus Quest 2 and Oculus Quest 3

lead developer: Marvin Gran looking for a job :-)

The Heroes
missing picture The healer can remove negative status conditions and recover health points. This character can even remove harmful hazards from the map.
Classification: Support
Difficulty rating: Easy
missing picture The ghost has the highest movement of all heroes and a cloaking ability to move unseen. He can quickly move past enemies and gather useful items from around the map.
Classification: Tactical
Difficulty rating: Medium
missing picture The knight can absorb large amounts of damage and can recover from strong hits. He can challenge enemies to force them to attack him instead of allies.
Classification: Tank
Difficulty rating: Easy
missing picture The psychic has strong abilities that can alter the battlefield but with longer cooldowns. He has to decide when to use which ability to maximize their effects.
Classification: Tactical
Difficulty rating: Hard
missing picture The assault is equipped with a shotgun for close range combat. His ability cards are focused on dealing damage to groups of enemies.
Classification: Damage Dealer
Difficulty rating: Medium
missing picture Hero core cards can be used again after their cooldown is done. Every hero has four core cards. Additional one-time-use cards can be found in loot boxes. Only hero core cards can be upgraded through collected upgrade points.
Healer Cards
missing picture Basic: Heal someone by up to 2 Hitpoints.
Upgraded: Heal someone by up to 3 Hitpoints.
missing picture Basic: Removes one negative status condition from the targeted hero.
Upgraded: Removes all negative status conditions from the target instead of only one.
missing picture Basic: Neutralize a hazard like an acid pool or fire on the ground.
Upgraded: Neutralize a hazard on the ground and then regain the action point you spent for this card.
missing picture Basic: Heal 60 percent of missing health and gain 1 action point.
Upgraded: Heal 90 percent of missing health and gain 1 action point.
This card can be found from loot boxes in the level but only in its basic form.
Ghost Cards
missing picture Basic: Make yourself invisible for 2 rounds. Enemies will ignore invisible heroes. Invisibility will be broken if the hero attacks.
Upgraded: Make yourself and another random teammate invisible for 2 rounds.
missing picture Basic: Deal 5 damage that without breaking invisibility.
Upgraded: Deal 8 damage that without breaking invisibility.
missing picture Basic: Jump to target location over small obstacles or enemies.
Upgraded: Makes you able to jump even further.
missing picture Basic: Swap your position with a teammate.
Upgraded: Swap your position with a teammate and then regain the action point you spent for this card.
Knight Cards
missing picture Basic: Regenerate up to 3 Hitpoints. This card can only be played on yourself though.
Upgraded: Regenerate up to 5 Hitpoints. Still only playable on yourself.
missing picture Basic: Fully restore your armor points. Can only be played on yourself.
Upgraded: In addition to the basic effect all other heroes in the game receive one armor point.
missing picture Basic: Immediately skip shield recharge time.
Upgraded: Immediately skip shield recharge time for you and a random other hero.
missing picture Basic: Enrage nearby enemies to make them attack you. This is an area of effect with yourself in the center.
Upgraded: The basic effect and you regain your action point, making this ability for free.
Psychic Cards
missing picture Basic: Create a temporary barrier for 2 rounds. Nobody can move or attack through this barrier.
Upgraded: Basic effect but also reduces the cooldown of all your other cards currently in cooldown by one.
missing picture Basic: Players in area of effect gain 4 shield points. This can cause players to have more than their maximum amount of shield points.
Upgraded: All players in area of effect gain 6 extra shield points instead.
missing picture Basic: Illusion that distracts enemies for up to 3 rounds. Enemies are more likely to attack an illusion near them instead of a player. The illusion can be destroyed if it receives too much damage.
Upgraded: Basic effect but the illusion has double the amount of health, armor and shield.
missing picture Basic: Make an enemy fight on your side for a couple rounds or until a hero attacks this enemy.
Upgraded: Make up to two enemies fight for you.
Targets in addition the closest active enemy to the target and charms it as well if possible.
Assault Cards
missing picture Basic: Deal 5 points of area damage. This will damage enemies and heroes alike so be careful.
Upgraded: Deal 8 points of area damage instead.
This card can be found from loot boxes in the level but only in its basic form.
missing picture Basic: Next basic attack will deal tripple damage. You can use this card on other heroes as well.
Upgraded: In addition to tripple damage the next basic attack will also cost no action point.
missing picture Basic: Next 2 basic attacks will cost no actions.
Upgraded: Next 3 basic attacks will cost no actions.
missing picture Basic: Pay 3 HP and 2 actions points to trigger all your core cards. These are the three cards shown over this card. The basic effects of these cards will be used.
Upgraded: Instead of triggering the basic versions, the upgraded card effects of the three cards above will be used.
Common Cards
missing picture Constructs a laser turret which automatically attack nearby enemies.
This card can be found from loot boxes in the level.
missing picture Deals 3 points of area damage and applies the stun effect to all targets.
This card can be found from loot boxes in the level.
missing picture Deals 3 points of area damage and applies the burn effect to all targets.
This card can be found from loot boxes in the level.
missing picture Deals 3 points of area damage and applies the corrosive effect to all targets.
This card can be found from loot boxes in the level.
missing picture Constructs a shotgun turret with low range but area of effect.
This card can be found from loot boxes in the level.
missing picture Constructs a railgun turret which can shoot through walls. Like all turrets it has limited ammunition though.
This card can be found from loot boxes in the level.
missing picture Constructs a flamer turret which burns enemies to death.
This card can be found from loot boxes in the level.
Robot enemies
missing picture Battle Droids are the most common robotic enemies. They patroll the corridors of space stations and ships alike on the search for intruders to purge. One such Droid isn't a big challenge, but they usually appear in great numbers, especially in key locations like the main generator.
missing picture Spider Droids repair other damaged robots. They are unarmed but can replenish health, armor and shields of other robotic units nearby. They will flee from intruders if no damaged robots are nearby.
missing picture Exploders quickly advance towards intruder and detonate upon arrival. Caution is advised as shooting at an Exploder will cause it to explode eventually. This can be used by clever heroes though to detonate Exploders while they are still near other robotic enemies.
missing picture Orbs are highly mobile and can alert other robots of your presence. This will cause Battle Droids on patrol to stop and go after the invaders. If an Orb is allowed to exist it will continue to alert more and more enemies of your presence.
missing picture Walkers are heavy assault mechs which deal high amounts of damage and are very resilient. They need a round to power up though so if you manage to do a surprise attack you can inflict heavy damage before it counterattacks. Walkers are also slow, allowing heroes to disengage when feeling overwhelmed.
Swarm enemies
missing picture Eggs are harmless but they will eventually hatch and release the growing larva inside. In the enemy phase there is an indication how many turns remain until the egg will hatch. All alien life forms except the eggs will leave pools of acid behind when killed.
missing picture Larvae are the first stage of alien life forms that can attack the heroes. They are slow, easy to kill and do little damage. They can appear in large numbers though and will evolve into crawlers if left unattended.
missing picture Crawlers are the next step up from larva. They are still growing and become warriors if given enough time. Crawlers are not that fast, but they have a poisonous attack which causes damage over time even after the engagement. As melee combatants they ignore shields.
missing picture Warriors are the final step of alien life forms and very dangerous. They are fast, able to jump over small obstacles and hard to kill. In addition, they deal high damage and can inflict negative status conditions like bleeding. As all alien life forms, they are intelligent and can disengage to regenerate wounds taken in battle.
missing picture The Queen is the source of new eggs and classified as an Omega threat. There is little known about this organism as most teams don't survive getting into an alien nest and back out. Caution is advised!
Status Icons
missing picture Indicates the amount of health points. If this reaches zero, then the target dies. Both enemies and heroes can recover health under the right conditions.
missing picture Armor decreases incoming damage by its armor value and then is reduced by one. Armor can't prevent loss of health from negative status conditions like poison.
missing picture Shields block ranged damage so it won't protect you against aliens. It does protect against friendly fire like grenade explosions. Shields start to recover after being depleted.
missing picture Indicates how far you or an enemy can move with one move action. Keep in mind that after moving any distance the remaining movement points will be discarded.
missing picture Shows how many remaining actions your character has or how much action points something costs.
missing picture Poison will reduce your health by one for the next three rounds. This damage can't be blocked.
missing picture Target loses health until it receives healing which stops the bleeding. If you have no healer in your group you can use a healing card or a healing station from the level.
missing picture Burning will deal damage to your character for the next two rounds. This damage can be reduced by armor.
missing picture Will prevent you from recovering an armor point at the start of your turn. Makes armor less effective against some damage kinds. Lasts for two rounds.
missing picture Stun will make it impossible to move next turn. You can still do other actions though. Stun only lasts one round.
missing picture Shows how many upgrade points you have access to. Each player will receive one before the first level and after completing each level. In addition, more can be found in each level. One upgrade point can be found in the first level and two upgrade points can be found in the second level. This means you can collect a total of six upgrade points before entering the third boss arena level.
missing picture Indicates that an alien larva is evolving into a crawler soon. The number next to this icon indicates the number of rounds until metamorphosis.
missing picture Indicates that an alien crawler is evolving into a warrior soon. The number next to this icon indicates the number of rounds until metamorphosis.

VR controls

missing picture

First, we will start with the camera controls. You can press and hold trigger on one controller to move your view around. This moves you through the room based on your hand movement. Next, we have rotating your view by pressing the same trigger at both controllers at the same time and turn them like a steering wheel. Finally, you can zoom in or out by pressing both triggers while doing a motion as if you're opening or closing a curtain.

Basic actions
You can move your character by pressing trigger somewhere on the ground where you want to go. You must confirm the move by pressing button on your right controller. You can cancel a move action by selecting the ground somewhere else. If you press trigger on an interactable element like a door, your hero will move to the target and interact with it afterward. Press trigger while pointing at an enemy to attack them. Press and hold button to end your turn. You can do this if you don’t want to spend your remaining actions or don’t want to move. Every turn you have one free move and two action points you can use for whatever you like.

Each character has four unique skill cards and can collect more cards during the game. You can put your wrist upside down to open your card hand. While the card hand is open you can point at a card and hold trigger on one controller to select it for playing. Hover the card over a valid target and then release trigger to play the card. If you try playing the card over an invalid target, it will return to your hand. Keep in mind that some cards can only be played on your hero. In this case you need to release trigger after the card hovers in place over your hero. There is a button in your card holder to access the main menu.

If you want to change your dominant hand you can use trigger at one of the controllers. You can see useful information on your wrist display. This includes how many actions you have remaining, which conditions your hero suffers from and more.
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